I'm sitting here at the laptop, its Sunday evening and I've the real job tomorrow. I'm wondering what drives me? I've got to Chapter 8 of the final re-write. It's a slow progress. I'm correcting elements identified by my good friend Karen in her proof edit, pleased that some of these I've already found before her. Others I'm thinking why didn't I see that and still more clumsy sentences appear as I stare at each page. Is there an end to it I wonder?
I remember someone saying, 'real writers separate themselves from their work'. It's not ' your baby' though I argue it feels like it when you begin. You conceive it, create and give birth to it. You let it find its feet and begin its journey while you support and guide it. It's hard not to view it in that light. I let my baby go several years ago. It feels more like an unruly teenager that won't leave home no matter how hard I try to push it out the door. I can't find it a job (agent/publisher) It's got no skills (proof editor). It's so unemployable I'd have to pay someone to take it on (vanity publishing). How do I make it an adult?
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August 2024