Quite often I don't realise the things I've accomplished in the previous four weeks, until I sit down and write my blog. This month is no exception. I've finished the final read through of What If? finding errors and altering numerous sentences since the final proof edit and adding another four thousand words to the end novel. Its gone now to my lovely formatter for the typeset and layout etc to be finalised. Already he's discovered another spelling mistake I missed. Its not the first time I've been grateful to have such a marvellous team of professionals around me. This in turns leads me on to my latest activity this month, the innovation of a website to go with my Wayside Publication business. Originally invented, because as an independantly published author, none of the industry representatives would speak to me without the backing of a company name, WP provides me with the authenticity I require to interact with distributors, wholesalers and retail book companies not to mention Nielsen who are key to any publication becoming recognised as bonefide. I'd like to thank Stella, from Stone Designs for her review of my brand and her idea for the introduction of a graphic to lift the simple WP logo. You've probably guessed I love cats, all animals in fact, but cats sit a teeny bit higher than most, so I decided to add one to the logo after Stella's comment. I began by trying to use a photo of one of my cats sitting up. Using the drawing tab in jpeg I attempted, several times, to use a 'pen' to create a silhouette. I'd reccommend you try it, its extremely hard to make clear straight lines, at least it was for me. I gave up after my sixth attempt and moved over to my favourite person on the internet, Google. I searched for free silhouettes, but couldn't find the specific one until I happened upon my old friend clipart. The perfect kitty-cat stared out at me and extending the white diamond backup, he sat beautifully on the bottom of the logo. It wasn't until he was settled into the frame that I realised how clever he was. If you look, his head and back and rising tail create a letter W, and his curled tip and falling tail created the letter P. Couldn't have worked out better if I tried. I've also finished the second amendment of my short story Figures, for the next Inspirations Writers Group Anthology, Blue. That has gone off for proof editing etc now. Elsewhere in the Wayside kingdom, Aquasapien Part 1, Book 1 has arrived and Part 2, Book is on its way through production. Yesterday I opened and stared at Quest for Courage - got cold feet and closed it again! I know I need to begin the re-write on the first draft to take it to the next level, but I know that includes thirty plus illustrations to find and create. Another book cover to design and yet more editing. I will get to it, but... reading for a while is calling more. I need to find the shove or more likely motivation to get stuck in. Hopefully by my next blog I'll be reporting back regards my progress on Q4C. Also this month I've identified future plans for my own bookshop. Its still in the concept stage with both a gold and brass option. It will likely have to wait until I retire - again in five years as I'll need my pension to fall back on while I rise like a phoenix into the retail world. Sneak preview, it will only be selling Anime, Sci-Fi, fantasy and Paranormal. Covid go away. I can't wait for us to be able to interact again. I want to get out there selling books and have a book launch for What If?. I'm banking on May - fingers crossed.
December 2024