My first samples of merchandising for Aquasapien are here and I'm so impressed I've ordered more. I love the quality T-shirts, the long handled tote bags, mugs and fridge magnets too. The photo here doesn't do them justice because transferring from one medium to another loses the crispness of the artwork. There's something for everyone and I've decided to start with an Opening Sale rather than a closing one later. £2.00 for the magnets, £5.00 for the mugs and tote bags and £10 for a T-shirt. Watch out for my link opening in the next few weeks. I'm also awaiting samples for the same things for Witch on the Warpath which will probably be the same price point. I also forgot to include a few photos from the publishing party I went to in London last month so I'm adding them here.
Following a recent marketing advice session with fellow members of the Inspirations Writing Group I felt inspired and motivated to rule the world. The gist of the session for me was to increase my marketing profile by advertising in more ways and also selling at places where my readers, like avengers, assemble.
Marketing ideas firmly in place I decided to access my Vistaprint account and see what samples I could order straight away. I ordered 2 samples of blue T-shirts with the Aquasapien cover emblazoned on the front. Next I hassled my son and now we are in the grips of producing an ecommerce store to sell not only the books, but the merchandise too. Having already booked and paid to do another signing and selling session (difficult if you have a lisp) in Hythe at the wonderful Imperial Hotel (please go it's beautiful and very romantic.) I was disappointed that my samples didn't arrive before the session, where I sold a grand total of 3 WOTW books and didn't even reach the cost of the table hire. I was however, pleasantly surprised by another vendor present at the event, she sold merchandising and I saw an opportunity rising. She was great and introduced me to the world of merchandizing a lot cheaper than Visitaprint - who's T-shirt's still haven't arrived. I have ordered a complete range of mugs, T-shirts, fridge magnets and tote bags all with the Aqua cover. If I like the samples, JJ is planning to deliver shortly, I shall be ordering the same for WOTW in readiness for my next step into the right lanes of marketing. That step will be attending the correct events where readers who might like my novels go. I'm booking for Novacon in November (naturally). It is held in Nottingham and is aimed at Sci-Fi readers. They have suggested I might be able to do a reading or be on a discussion panel. I've requested access to the dealers room to sell products too. Next year I'm sizing up another Sci-Fi event, again in Nottingham, but this time featuring TV and Film Sci-Fi buffs. Hoping my low days, stay there for a while I'm continuing with Gristle's Revenge, helped by the purchase of my new version of Dragon, Dragon 13. Can't wait, it's almost like Christmas in the Salter household. |
December 2024