Hoorah and hooray, thank goodness that's over. Managed to do an extra stint today - which I needed as yesterday only got 500 words down in-between the writing group, son's haircut and the UN event in the evening which raises awareness by undertaking 16 days of activism to eliminate violence to women around the world - shameless plug.
I'm not sure I'll do Nano next year, I really pushed it this year with working full-time plus, new Soroptimist group, writing group, karate, publishing WOTW, putting back out - yes strained my Sacro-illiac joint doing pilates! and doing all the usual family stuff. You should see how much ironing I have every two days. So the follow-up novel Gristle's Revenge is in the pipeline, it's all down to sales now. If WOTW sells I'll be putting GR (no not Genes Reunited - Gristle's Revenge) together in the new year. If not, my adult Sci-fi novel will be the next publication. Regarding the writing group, we had 5 new attenders who came along following the book launch on Halloween.
I think I've got the hang of writing to a deadline now. I'm hammering out 1,700 words in 1hr 20 minutes. It might not read like Shakespeare or flow like Byron, but it's mine and it heralds the beginning of Book Two Gristles Revenge - which is sweet.
Only 6 days to go with tomorrow being the last day I might not be able to contribute. I'm working until I finish (I've given up guessing when that will be, I've only clocked off twice on time since Sept 9th) Then I'm off to Canterbury for the 7pm Soroptimist meeting there. Usually I get back home about 10.30pm. I'm hopeful I'll be able to get something down with the old man snoring next to me. He is really good about my typing into the wee hours even if he never reads! Do you know how weird and lonely it is to be a writer, married to someone who doesn't read unless its a Haynes manual or an Ikea flatpack? Add to that my son doesn't read either unless it's on a server telling him to kill the next mutant zombie round the corner. Neither of them have read the dedication I've given to them in my first published novel and they probably never will. Maybe someone will read it to them at my funeral service - perhaps that's why it's called a dead - e -cation? Getting morbid - aka time for bed Hanging on in there for Nanowrimo. Its hard to write here as well. I keep thinking that's another 100 words I could have written on the novel. The second book Gristle's Revenge is a follow up to Witch on the Warpath (WOTW)and its coming along nicely. Can't tell you about it because it would be a spoiler for the first one. It's only the first draft and my old head realises there's a long, long way to go before it will be ready. WOTW had 11 versions in the end, I know I counted them all - and read them too. I'm not going to set myself a deadline this time, as the Halloween one nearly killed me and several of my helpers. I alternate being between being excited about how the novel is going, especially when I've been grabbed by the writing gonads (before you comment I know I don't have any - its called metaphorical writing) and then into despair as I think, who would want to read it? Luckily I will have oodles of time to improve this book until it doesn't just glow, it shines. (subtle play on words there - you've got to read WOTW) What else? A few dribbles of books going out to the supplier for shops in Dublin and Germany. Problem being the post is costing me more than the price they're paying for the books! No money coming my way yet either so I've devised invoices because my husband says" nobody pays anything without invoices first". Kindle edition WOTW planned for JANUARY 2016 Book still going well, had another order from my supplier, so keep spreading the word people. Surprisingly I heard from Waterstones today saying they weren't going to stock it. Strange seeing as how it's on their on-line store, in their store and also was their best seller on its launch at one of their stores. I do need folk to go and ask for it otherwise it's going to die a death of a thousand books. I know they have copies in Waterstones Westwood Cross, not many so I'm hoping they will need to re-order more soon.
I'm still going on NanoWriMo. Nearly didn't make it though. Five hours spending standing watch on children fighting like battling robots didn't give me enough time to cook dinner and get down to writing. Managed 600 word which put me way behind the count. So tonight I've just finished 2,500 words in 2 hours. It was a memory of my GCSE exams - or rather 'O' levels for my age group. Now up to 15,000 words written in 9 days. It's the follow up to Witch on the Warpath but if I don't get enough sales I won't have the money I need to publish it. No pressure anyone! At least back on schedule to finish on 30th November, thankfully no more full days out till December. I started NaNoWriMo yesterday. The word stands for national novel writing month. Although it says National it is in fact international and this year roughly 150,000 people worldwide are taking part. The aim is to write 50,000 words in 30 days. I took part in 2012 and 2013 and managed to complete a novel each time. These were only first drafts nothing I would ever show anyone but they are the core of further novels. This is the first time I have tried writing a novel whilst working full-time, setting up a Soroptimist International group and publishing a book all in the same 30 days! The phrase if you want something done ask a busy woman springs to mind. So too does the fact I've had several gastric ulcers in the past.
You'll notice I'm writing much longer paragraphs here. This is because I'm using Dragon. Dragon doesn't seem to like me using it on weebly. It keeps trying to put every word in a capital letter Unless I talk really fast and it can'tDo it. Dam. Regarding my book it's going well. As their top teen fiction author, they have invited me back for a second author signing session in January. Which I'll be happy to manage. In addition I've approached Canterbury and Eastbourne Waterstones to see if they'll allow me to do a session there. Not sure why my Dragon won't let me write on my website And It's Quite annoying so this is a short post today. |
December 2024