And so the work continues...
I am slowly moving my way through the polishing and re-writes for Aquasapien. I'm pleased with my decision to change the style of the book by introducing all present tense thoughts in italics. It seems to be working well, adding more immediacy to the work. I started doing this for Part Two, chapters 11 onwards, so at some point I'm going to have to visit part one again (chapters one to ten) and re-write that again in places. Most of my work is done after working all day and in-between family life - I know ' like most people' I can hear you all mumble. I don't have an excuse, if I really want to get the next one published I need to shut up and get on with it. Which is why I haven't done a blog lately. It's funny, I feel guilty not writing my blog for a week or so, but then I feel guilty writing this now when I should be doing my re-writes, or knitting blanket for still-born babies - a much more worthwhile cause. My Soroptimist group have decided to make this one of our causes. I saw recently that QEQM are raising money for a bereavement unit and I'm wondering whether they'd like to be the recipient for our blankets? I know I should be writing not knitting, another guilt poke. I decided to knit one square each time I sit down to watch TV. I can finish one in 30 minutes. Plus I can't write and watch TV. I've been having a Game of Thrones fest catching up on the last two series over the last week or so. My excuse was we needed to free up some space on the planner! Now I've no excuse not to knuckle down again, but I bet by my next blog I'll have found one. No word from my new illustrator yet- fingers still crossed. In addition, I'm overseeing work coming in from writing group Inspirations, we are getting geared up for our first publication - The Red Anthology - hopefully later this year.
December 2024