Last month saw me, and my fellow writing group members, launching the Indigo Anthology for Inspirations Writers Group. All anthologies (and my books) avialable via Westgate Galleria if you want to get a hard copy, and on Kindle if you don't. This month see's me preparing for the launch of my eighth novel, and second dark fantasy novel, Between Here and Hell. (Piece of my press release.) Between Here and Hell Launches on Sunday 9th June 2024 For Early Birds at Taddy’s Barn Eatery from 10 am to 12midday. Buy a book, stay for breakfast. For late comers at Riparo Lounge, Westwood Cross. 5pm to 8pm. Buy a book, stay for dinner. (NB food not included in the book price) I thought a Sunday release would be safer, just in case Satan isn't impressed with my offering. I don't want to get on his wrong side. (Does he have a right one?) Hopefully, a lot more angels will be on duty on a Sunday, or he'll be dozing since it's strictly his day off. This book has been a real eye-opener for me. Whereas most of my research for writing books is about factual elements i.e. historical, geographical or the mechanics of jets, helicopters and guns etc. This novel has been about using Dante's levels of Hell and incorporating their visual ethos into the pages instead. A challenge of a different sort. I'm now freed up to recommence writing A Sackful of Dragons. It follows the story of twins in foster care who discover and decide to raise a sackful of six baby dragons. Set in Margate, the geography I know well, not only being born and growing up in the town, but actually playing in the derelict house used in the book. Its what kids used to do when I was young, derelict properties and building sites were the norm for our playgrounds. I have photos to prove it and if I ever find them in the attic I will share 'cos it was quite a feat. The Hawley Square oak tree is in the background, albeit a lot smaller. My picture books are coming along nicely. Ellie who illustrated Chicken Wizard so beautifully, is continuing with Shea Pingle and the Swarm. I had a small amount of anxiety when her drawing tablet died on her recently, but she reports being able to continue, whilst awaiting a new machine. My second illustrator Danny Ireton is proving to be just a good. He is working on The Tales of Timmy and his Magic Toe Beans for me. If his first few drawings are anything to go by this is going to be a hit too. I am so lucky to have such great illustrators. So, seven picture books on the go, one already out, three more in illustration and four more in my hands being written, alongside the Dragon novel. All this and I begin my new job tomorrow. Excited and a bit scared in equal measure. Excited to be starting and improving health systems within another school. Scared, whether anyone will like me, and value my opinions. Oh, and understand I have no barrier between mind and mouth, hence the writing. I do try, but I'm a leaky container at the best of times. So sick of people asking if I'm retiring too. I must look so old to keep getting the comments. Yes I am in my 49 year of nursing and no I am not retiring, though I might drop a day a week next year so I can write and sell more books. Till next month. Let you know how well Between Here and Hell does at the launch. Feel free to tick like.
December 2024