Travelogue, Book Launches, Events & Work. How much can one person do? Answers on a Postcard to...9/7/2024 I had hoped to get my YouTube travelogue of our recent Arizona trip out to you before now. However, my latest two picture books have come on at such a pace that the podcast got relegated to the back burner — till now. (Subscribe to my YouTube channel to catch its appearance on YouTube, Carol M. Salter). SHEA PINGLE AND THE SWARM, is printed and ready for its, or rather her, launch on: SATURDAY 19TH OCTOBER 10 to 3pm AT WESTGATE GALLERIA, STATION ROAD, WESTGATE, OPPOSITE THE TRAIN STATION. (Cover picture on previous blog) THE TALES OF TIMMY AND HIS MAGIC TOE BEANS likewise is complete, but waiting on printing costs is set for release on: SATURDAY 30TH NOVEMBER, 10 to 3pm AT MONTY’S, HIGH STREET, BIRCHINGTON. I’d like to thank both Sarah at the Westgate Galleria, and Danny at Monty’s Birchington, for offering to hold my launch days on their premises. It is very much appreciated. While all this has been tightened and confirmed, I have attempted to get to grips with Aquasapien Four – Legacy, the final book in the series. Its hard when you halt a novel, due to other commitments, then have to get your head back into, not only the storyline, but the characters’ mind and motivations. I don’t know about other writers but for me it means becoming that character, understanding their beliefs, their principles which in turn evokes how they feel, how they react. It’s this donning of another personality that makes them authentic, for a short amount of time they actually exist, if only in my imagination. In a totally different genre, Mustard and Marmalade, another picture book is due out in early 2025. I’ll be telling you more about that in future blogs. If you love dachshunds, you’ll love this. Plus, I’ve taken photos of many local dachshunds, with their owners consent of course, and they appear on the inside back page, immortalized forever. I am very grateful that Danny Ireton, the illustrator of Timmy, has also agreed to continue working with me on further Timmy books despite now writing, illustrating and publishing his own work. Further Tales of Timmy and his Magic Toe Beans is already written and waiting his input next. While all this is going on I have a packed calendar of events where you can purchase all my books, Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th 10 – 3pm September, Kings Hall, Herne Bay Saturday 5th & Sunday 6th October, 10 to 3pm Rochester Art Fair, Corn Exchange, Rochester. Saturday 26th October 10 to 3pm Indoor autumn Fair, The Centre, Birchington TBC In addition to my events, my work is on sale at Taddy’s Barn Tea Rooms, Cliftonville, and Westgate Galleria. I send books all around the world so don’t let folks being in another country stop you putting in an order with me. Use my contact page to start the ball rolling. Great for Christmas presents.
You’ve already seen Shea’s cover last month. Timmy’s first book is set in Broadstairs and Margate and here’s a preview for you. Meanwhile, tomorrow we start sorting out my fifteen Arizona videos into a comprehensive travelogue.
I'm still recovering from losing my main selling event of the year, Wyntercon in Eastbourne. I need to seek out new events and fairs to take its place. If anybody is setting up an event in East Kent please give me a buzz on [email protected] or comment on this blog. Here’s the first sneak preview of Shea Pingle and the Swarm cover. I’m ready to begin the printing process, but holiday looms so I’ll be starting that element on my return with a view to launch date in October half term. Excited as usual. Looking for venues for the launch in October, have a couple in mind but always open to those offering. Its basically free PR for your business. Apart from sex shops and bookies because it’s a kiddies picture book, I’m open to most ideas. Have had a sprint on A Sackful of Dragons running off 6,000 words sitting in a summer fair in Faversham. Set in Margate, it features Dane Valley and Cliftonville. These events always help my writing. With nothing else to do but wait, I write, and write, and write. The illustrations for The Tales of Timmy and his Magic Toe Beans continue apace, coming close on the heels of Shea Pingle. Likely to be out in time for Christmas, the story is set in Broadstairs with wonderful panoramic scenes of the bay. Mustard and Marmalade Dachshund Dog Detectives has recommenced, and will be out in 2025. I’ve finished writing the Further Adventures of Timmy and his Magic Toe-Beans, half of The Unshakable Mouse is done and I’ve commenced a second Chicken Wizard story about swanies and duckies. I’ve also got the title, the Hairy Tortoise, who has a hairstyle like Elvis instead of a shell, but the story wasn’t hasn’t flooded my mind—yet. I’m expecting the USA influence of our hols to spur a story there. I’m also expecting the USA to provide me with more ideas for Aquasapien Four chapters. On the Aqua front the numbers of the original hard copies are dwindling. As the book has now been republished in two books, its becoming a bit of a sought after novel. Selling on one rare book site, Books that Expand the Mind, for £17.99 2017 1st Edtn/1st Prnt Signed by Author(s) AQUASAPIEN By Carol Salter New Fantasy — Books That Expand The Mind Its still £10.99 if you pick one up at Westgate Galleria, Westgate or Taddy’s Barn, Northdown. Happy to sign it too. Remember if you know anyone who would like an author trader at their event, or could host a book launch I’m all ears. Summer is supposed to be around the corner, but we’ve had yet another deluge here making me wonder, who really is in charge on Earth? Is it a case of we’ve made our bed i.e. global warning, now we have to lie in it? Until we remake the bed that is. One thing I can promise you , if the changes were under the control of teenage boys that would never happen. My boy’s 25 and still doesn’t manage that task.
Is mother Earth telling us, we’ve got things wrong, or is she ambivalent to our existence. Are we too puny on the life scale to be considered? She likely has far more important things to consider, like not falling into the sun, not allowing too many asteroids to wander her way, and keeping her centre ignited. You’ll be relieved to hear I’m not considering writing a book about this anytime soon, though the theories might creep in somewhere. I’ve covered several fairs this month and had an almighty upset in the form of Wyntercon, my largest event cancelling and closing down. Absolutely gutted is an understatement. I loved those guys, the event, the cos-players, the other traders. My biggest income maker of the year – gone. Because I am an independent author with no sign of a traditional agent/publisher before I die, I have to sell books to publish/print books. Those traditionally published don’t have any outlay of money. They offer the book, via their agent, each of the interested parties take a cut and then they sit back and wait for the royalties to flow nicely in after their initial three book deal. If only. My process involves me shelling out money for all the contracted work on all elements of each book, then printing costs. Once the launch is over, I spend most days off at fairs and events literally making a bob or two. The plan being I make enough money to be able to print the next book. I do have 25 books more waiting on the computer. Fat chance. I’m very lucky if I cover the costs of hiring the trader table, let alone make a profit. In fact this weekend I sold two 3D printed cats at £1 each, which I gave to my son since he printed them. Then there are overheads like fuel, and overnight accommodation which I never manage to recover. It’s why I do local events, cheaper, more likelihood of breaking even, or perhaps a small profit. I was very pleased at the Between Here & Hell launch last Sunday. The book itself didn’t whizz off the shelves, but I sold a lot of copies of my other books, so it definitely brought the readers to me. Shea Pingle is moving forward, the cover being completed as I write, then its off to printing, putting the funds earned at the launch towards those costs. I have one more event in July, then nothing till September. I currently don’t have an Estore platform, though folks can purchase via my website by using my contact page. The sun’s coming out now just to tease me into putting a foot outside. I will go, its good to enjoy the sun when I can. Selling books is much the same for me. I endure the rain and dismissal times of no sales, cos I know the sun will shine, and I can make sales – for a short while. Still three weeks to go until the launch of Between Here and Hell. The pre-orders and pre-launch sales are a novelty for me. Not had that happen before, hopefully it means my work has value. Getting lots of of positive feedback regards the cover design. You can blame Preston Garden Centre for the inspiration. We went there to have an amazing breakfast and outside were two enormous stone Great Danes. They made such an impression on me. When I was considering the cover I went back, for another breakfast naturally, and took a photo of of them, and asked if I could use their images, with the staff's consent. These I sent to my cover designer at Pegu Designs, and she did a most amazing job which lots of folk have commented on. Well Done Lucie. I did try asking to buy the dogs, but Preston haven't answered yet so I'm guessing they aren't for sale. :( So, Between Here & Hell - all set. See April blog for cover and launch details. Shea Pingle and the Swarm, contents are finished waiting for my illustrator Ellie to undertake the final double page picture for the cover. Then it's off to formatting, cover design and printing. Should have it out in time for Christmas all being well. At the same time, The Tales of Timmy and his Magic Toe-Beans is with illustrator Danny. He has been doing a great job, totally different style of design to Ellie and just as great. I love both of them and don't have a favourite, they are each so different. Ellie shines at Anime looks and honest naivety, which I love. Danny at crisp, fine lines and vibrate colours. Together, I am blessed. From somewhere, maybe the new job, I've found an impetus for continuing writing my novels. In A Sackful of Dragons, the story has moved from Hawley Street, Margate, over to Dane Valley. And yes, I'm enjoying my new job and colleagues. Special thank you to Karen, without which I would have not just struggled but sunk. Could have done without the two colds in three weeks, but that's what you get for integrating into a new community. Bizarrely, at the same time as all this happening, I've also started the long awaited Book Four of Aquasapien. Is that a hurrah I hear in the distance? Click the like button if I'm right. Aquasapien Legacy, is the final book in the series. In a change for me, a natural Pantser (look it up) last year I was seized to write the final scene of the whole story. Then I spent almost a year prevaricating, telling people how I've got to get from the end of book three to that last scene. Well I've taken the first couple of steps towards that goal, two new missions for Unit One are in production. OMG whilst writing these words, these actual words here, I've had an epiphany . Hold that thought.................................... Wow, that will be good. Written a couple of lines for Legacy, that will seal the deal for that final scene. How does my mind work like that? Honestly, it flies in from somewhere, some other dimension maybe, into my mind like a live wire of electricity hollering "write it, write it, write it now. " Once its on paper, it leaves me alone and fades into nothingness. A bit like this blog. B. F. N. Last month saw me, and my fellow writing group members, launching the Indigo Anthology for Inspirations Writers Group. All anthologies (and my books) avialable via Westgate Galleria if you want to get a hard copy, and on Kindle if you don't. This month see's me preparing for the launch of my eighth novel, and second dark fantasy novel, Between Here and Hell. (Piece of my press release.) Between Here and Hell Launches on Sunday 9th June 2024 For Early Birds at Taddy’s Barn Eatery from 10 am to 12midday. Buy a book, stay for breakfast. For late comers at Riparo Lounge, Westwood Cross. 5pm to 8pm. Buy a book, stay for dinner. (NB food not included in the book price) I thought a Sunday release would be safer, just in case Satan isn't impressed with my offering. I don't want to get on his wrong side. (Does he have a right one?) Hopefully, a lot more angels will be on duty on a Sunday, or he'll be dozing since it's strictly his day off. This book has been a real eye-opener for me. Whereas most of my research for writing books is about factual elements i.e. historical, geographical or the mechanics of jets, helicopters and guns etc. This novel has been about using Dante's levels of Hell and incorporating their visual ethos into the pages instead. A challenge of a different sort. I'm now freed up to recommence writing A Sackful of Dragons. It follows the story of twins in foster care who discover and decide to raise a sackful of six baby dragons. Set in Margate, the geography I know well, not only being born and growing up in the town, but actually playing in the derelict house used in the book. Its what kids used to do when I was young, derelict properties and building sites were the norm for our playgrounds. I have photos to prove it and if I ever find them in the attic I will share 'cos it was quite a feat. The Hawley Square oak tree is in the background, albeit a lot smaller. My picture books are coming along nicely. Ellie who illustrated Chicken Wizard so beautifully, is continuing with Shea Pingle and the Swarm. I had a small amount of anxiety when her drawing tablet died on her recently, but she reports being able to continue, whilst awaiting a new machine. My second illustrator Danny Ireton is proving to be just a good. He is working on The Tales of Timmy and his Magic Toe Beans for me. If his first few drawings are anything to go by this is going to be a hit too. I am so lucky to have such great illustrators. So, seven picture books on the go, one already out, three more in illustration and four more in my hands being written, alongside the Dragon novel. All this and I begin my new job tomorrow. Excited and a bit scared in equal measure. Excited to be starting and improving health systems within another school. Scared, whether anyone will like me, and value my opinions. Oh, and understand I have no barrier between mind and mouth, hence the writing. I do try, but I'm a leaky container at the best of times. So sick of people asking if I'm retiring too. I must look so old to keep getting the comments. Yes I am in my 49 year of nursing and no I am not retiring, though I might drop a day a week next year so I can write and sell more books. Till next month. Let you know how well Between Here and Hell does at the launch. Feel free to tick like. Time marches on, stopping for no one, not even me. Recently walking again without a limp. I'm back at Karate and Yoga, albeit with some amendments to the moves that involve my Achilles tendon. This Saturday see's the launch of my writing group Inspirations, Indigo Anthology. The sixth in the series and the best one yet. Bigger in size and pages, larger font to make it easier to read. It's a credit to the members of the current group and I am so proud of them. The launch is happening this Saturday 23rd March 11.00 to 12.30 at Westgate Galleria, Station Rd, Westgate & 1 to 3pm at Taddy's Barn Eatery, St George's Hill, Northdown. (Free Tea & Coffee) Please consider finding the time to come along and support them. Following on from the anthology, my own eighth novel Between Here & Hell is due for release hopefully in late May. I promised a sneak peek at the cover and here it is, together with the back cover blog. "Emma Marnier’s life shatters one quiet night at home with her cat Widgett. Discovering multiple dimensions exist, and the complexities of love, she journeys to understand why she is being hounded. Her path leads her to Hell. Do its denizens and horrendous punishments really exist? And if so, will Emma survive to uncover the truth? " Details of the launch to follow in my April blog. Meanwhile writing continues apace. My next picture book, Shea Pingle and the Swarm is heading towards its final illustrations and I've just signed another illustrator Danny for the first picture book about Timmy and His Magic Toe Beans.
I've a total of seven picture books waiting completion, where are traditional publishers when you need them? I've also picked up and restarted my novel, A Sackful of Dragons to continue writing that story. Its about twins in foster care in Margate who discover, you've guessed it, a sack full of baby dragons and decide to rear them without Grace, their foster carer, knowing. Nothing could be easier could it? Unless you add a bullying kids gang into the mix. This story exists alongside the Witch on the Warpath trilogy time frame. Over time I've found it never does one good to become too confident in this writing lark. There are many ways you get knocked back down and put in your place. The highlight of mine being the 146 rejections letters I received in the past. My heart broke each more with everyone till only chocolate held me together. Once published be prepared, that doesn't change. rejections come in all manner of formats just like books. In lockdown 2020, I decided to read all of my first novel, Witch on the Warpath out on my YouTube channel. Its still on there, one chapter a week for 26 weeks. I was devastated to discover as I read that it contained spelling, and grammar errors. Once I knew they were there I couldn't live with them. They ate away at my writing soul, while I succumbed to feasting on chocolate once more. I re-edited the book, then paid for another print run, casting any original copies away. My heart easing after. Last year, someone pointed out there was a spelling mistake on the blurb of What If? Again devastation and chocolate. I did not discard the whole print run, can't afford to at £500+ per run. Saturday? You've guessed. There's one letter missing in Chicken Wizard! Noooo. Where's the chocolate, give it to me now! Both these will be amended in the next print runs, but for now I can't afford to do it. Plus, someone has mentioned that if I ever did become famous these copies might just be worth more. So, hold on to your original copies, store them in the attic, or better still, wait till the next print run. Chocolate? Who needs chocolate? I need to accept that none of my months are quiet. You’d think if I had no events in the winter months, I’d have time to rest, enjoy and recuperate, even sustaining an injury which has had me on crutches, my world races along like a formula one driver on a go-kart track. Maybe that should be around the other way?
January saw me become victim to a poorly handled and controlled overloaded warehouse food trolley which careered into the back of my left leg cutting through my Achilles tendon. Three days non-weight-bearing on crutches (one day off work because it was the weekend) Then back to work on crutches which were riskier partially weight-bearing than without. I did away with them after one day. Four weeks later, still slight limp and still open wound on heel, but returning slowly to health. Thank goodness no events until March, I don’t know how I would have managed any of them on crutches, as I hit the ground running then with eight events almost back-to-back. The week before the injury I went to London for the weekend (my Christmas pressie from hubby) and walked miles. Going to the Ritz for high tea – not as impressed as I expected to be, and then the Waldorf – stunning. Publishing continues apace. I am so proud to say, my writing group Inspirations, launches their sixth anthology in the rainbow series, INDIGO, on Saturday 23rd March. At Westgate Galleria, Station Road, Westgate from 11 to 12.30 pm. And Taddy’s Barn Eatery from 1pm to 3pm (free tea/coffee ) You will also be able to purchase the previous books in the series too. They look amazing on the shelves together. This series is a limited edition. Only one print run was ever completed. We only have seven copies of Red left so if you’d like them on your shelves please come along. The members have endured much recently and made a great effort to ensure Indigo is a shining example of their work. With only Violet to go, we will be moving into genre inspired anthologies once the end of the rainbow draws to a close. And well as completing Indigo formatting, cover, printing, proofing, press releases and marketing, I’ve finished my next novel, a dark fantasy, Between Here and Hell. It’s in the final post-formatting. The draft cover arrived today, and I love it. Watch out for my March blog when I’m adding a sneak preview. On the publishing front all aspects have increased in price meaning a small increase in my prices too to cover costs. To be honest in reality I’d need my books to cost £50 each to cover my total costs. Writing, formatting, illustrating and printing are only small part of the finances. You could write the best novel in the world, but if you don’t spend many hours and lots of money advertising it, marketing, attending events and promoting it, it will be to no avail. I’ll bet somewhere there’s an awesome book (in addition to my own of course) that could have made millions – we will never know. Writing rarely makes you rich. It’s the same in any creative/artistic environment. There are thousands of us producing quality work, but only a select few get that lucky break and reach stardom and fame in their chosen world. And that fame is in the hands of the Gods and fate, which considering the subject of creative writing novels could come to fruition at any point in my life. Remember check my blog in March for the cover sneak preview. When was Christmas? Its hard to remember with Easter eggs appearing in stores. I’m sure we are not the only family who has packed away all the Christmas decorations only to find one small dec left out. This year it’s our singing robin. Our cat, Kipper, often sets it off, its sound activated. I’m attempted to leave robin out all year Christmas bobble hat an’ all.
This year I went overboard on the tree chocolates, fed up with everyone scoffing them days before the big day. Instead I brought, A LOT and hid them. As a result we’ve still got three packets of baubles to get through! I’m sure, like you, they won’t last in our house. On the writing front, things are going full steam. Indigo Anthology is finished, and currently in printing. Inspirations writing group meets this Saturday 27th for its first meeting of 2024 and one of our agenda items will be the launch date. We will also be looking further forward to starting Violet, the last anthology in our Rainbow series, before we commence our themes anthologies. Remember folk who write and are interested are welcome to attend. The first meeting is free, and membership is £10 per year. See our Website for details. INSPIRATIONS WRITERS GROUP - HOME & NEWS ( Regarding my own work. Shea Pingle and the Swarm continues apace, page nine has been returned by Ellie, there thirteen in this book as its aimed at year nine to eleven. Indeed my head is getting overwhelmed by my children book themes. With Chicken Wizard out and selling well, and Shea Pingle next. This genre is filling me up with ideas. As you probably know Mustard and Marmalade Dachshund Dog Detectives and the Case of the Missing Fillet Steak is next. Followed by The Tales of Timmy and his Magic Toe Beans. Now you can add, The Unshakable mouse, Further Tales of Timmy and his Magic Toe Beans, The Hairy Tortoise, and a follow-up to Chicken Wizard that I’ve yet to find a title for, about duckies and swanies. On the health front, I’m currently wobbling around on crutches after a terrifying ordeal, which was so not fun. This will be my fourth time using crutches, and you’d think I’d have the hang of it by now. But no. Yesterday trying to be clever I decided I could easily hop on one leg from the toilet to the bedroom. I reached the bedroom door. Grabbed the frame and, you’ve guessed it, slipped. My hands slid down the frame and the door catch plate cut my index finger almost in two. Fortunately my finger nail saved it from make a complete circuit. Several homemade steristrips and a pressure dressing later, the blood had stopped. Despite the crutches etc; I’m planning to crutch it—that doesn’t sound right—hobble, wobble, wibble. (typical writer trying to find the correct word before committing it to permanency) Struggle, that will do, into work. Won’t be doing much in the way of moving about, but can still speak to folk and offer advice, make calls and such. I almost forgot, my next novel a fantasy thriller, Between Here and Hell, is also finished and with Geoff my fabulous formatter. Hoping Pegu designs will come up with an awesome cover. The launch will follow Indigo Anthology, then later we’ll have Shea Pingle’s. And just like that December and 2023 is almost gone. And was this month quieter for me? In some ways yes, but in other ways the six Xmas lunches and dinners had me groaning with belly-ache. Fortunately, I checked today and no weight gain, despite no karate, or yoga (excluding one retreat) for two weeks.
The 6th saw me at my last ever fair in St Peter’s Church Sandwich. I was sad to be leaving this venue, despite how cold it can sometimes get—and this year it was freezing. The folk inside this venue are permanent and friendly, which makes any fair a bonus. Plus the full-time second-hand shop they run there is amazing. I have personally purchased many items for my home. Add to that the lovely café which has recently had a re-fit and it’s the perfect place to pop your partner in the café while you browse. They’ve got a bookshop corner too. The 9th saw me in Faversham for the last Eventissima event of the year—more booked there for 2024. I’m not sure why I go there, I certainly don’t sell much, but like before the bunch of traders there are amazing, the crafts on sale awesome. I usually spend a lot—come on there’s handmade chocolate! Also Jo and Nick have to be the most supportive organisers ever. They spend their entire days promoting each event. 10th December saw the family Christmas Shopping. This is a tradition my husband and I started long ago. Fed up with the stress of locating presents and items along the year and throughout December, we hit upon a plan which works perfectly for us and only induces one single day of stress per year—Christmas-wise. We pick a date; we pick a nice location. We find a really nice place that does a super breakfast and after that sumptuous meal we write our list of every present we require. Phones are very useful because we don’t need to actually write it out any more. We go down the list deciding what present each person will have, be it relatives, work colleagues, secret Santa’s, or friends and neighbours, then we go buy it. Its that simple. We return to the car 2 or 3 times during the day and at the end of it, we’ve completely finished. Stress done. It feels brilliant too. This year, for the very first time, we included our son, now 24, in the family tradition and he loved it too. Not only did we all spend the day together, a rare feat these days, but we have a good time doing it. I can thoroughly recommended it. A few more meals and meeting up with friends and Christmas Day was upon us. By the way, my separate Estore is closing down due to the host being sold off, my books are all part of this website now. See my STORE tab. Prices sadly are increasing due to my publishing and selling costs escalating. I’m always on the lookout for businesses interested in selling my books, on commission naturally. I have five more in the 2024 pipeline, in addition to the nine already out there. We’ve managed a couple of ride outs with our local 055 group of like-minded people, though to be honest its had to be by car due to the weather and someone’s recent karate injury. Our son is back at work already, god bless him. My husband’s gone to investigate a new bike and I’m off out to visit relatives. Till next year. X Carol Please feel free to comment, or leave a like, just so I know someone has looked at my blog occasionally. |
August 2024