![]() What a hectic but brilliant weekend at Wyntercon Eastbourne. Admittedly, I didn't sell many books, but frankly I'm hooked. Who wouldn't be, when a plethora of role models from my childhood, teenage years and adulthood marched past my table every twenty minutes or so, bringing to life the worlds I only knew in my mind and the books I read. Who wasn't terrified by Dr Who and the Daleks as a child? I used to have nightmares regularly about them chasing me and having to hide in the cupboard under the stairs at home. This weekend, I stood next two inert daleks and watched one human version cavort around the halls. Star Trek was my mainstay as a teenager. I thought Mr Spock intriguing, Doctor McCoy a pain, Chekov hilarious and had a soft spot for Captain Kirk and Zulu. Into these two initial series stepped Star Wars, represented in full at Wyntercon by the gorgeous Storm Troopers, the graceful Princess Leia, several of which floated around the event. Jawa stole most of the show this weekend, with his kleptomania antics, whilst Chewbacca strode like a God - yes Thor came too - amongst us bringing a startling touch of reality to proceedings. Other SW characters filled the building, and behind them the eerie Spirit Walker stalked us all. Minecraft was a permanent fixture for young and old, and Master Chief, my personal heartthrob joined us too. Downstairs, there were rooms for children to craft and create their own heroes, and another for them to meet and greet their role models. Yes, I was very envious being stuck at my table for the majority of the hours, and I'm sure I wasn't alone in that yearning. I could continue raving about the Marvel characters, the Anime lookalikes and the many other film and television folk racing by, but it's probably much easier if you look on them. Go to MY WORK, PAST EVENTS on my website carolmsalter.com and click on each photo. you'll see the stars of yesteryear, today and tomorrow. I spend much of my thoughts imagining that maybe, just maybe, one of my characters might be walking these halls in a distant future. I can dream. MY THANKS TO ANDY AND THE MARVELLOUS TEAM OF VOLUNTEERS WHO MADE THIS EVENT OFFICIALLY AWESOME.
January 2025