MY son did a really nice thing for me for Christmas. He'd only just got a position as an apprentice in a local transport company and decided to spend some of his weekly wages buying me space in a local magazine. It was a complete surprise and I was very shocked and very secretly pleased. I couldn't believe he spent his first wages buying something for me. Of course, I scolded him and hugged him too, feeling a little guilty that I spent my first month wages on superficial things and never did anything like this for my own mother.
Unfortunately, because he didn't mention it to me, he didn't know how many books I have left in stock should his idea take off. Result? Me rushing around to get printing completed in time for expected mass rush of buyers. Fingers crossed. In addition to this I'm almost finished on the final read through of the WOTW follow-up novel Gristle's Revenge. I've secured a copy editor for the next stage. Depending on the re-writes will decide if I need to send out to my proof editor. I've requested my formatter and illustrator for this publication and both said yes. I've worked out the inside book illustrations and have about 5/6 that will need to be actually drawn rather than taken from nature, though I can manage a number of those. It's exciting, another novel out this year.
January 2025