It's been a while since I've made an entry here. Polishing my next book is taking more time than I envisaged. It's not just the polishing, other things take me away from this work, like real work. As do my many activities and pastimes, of which writing is but one.
I sent off chapters six to ten to Graham my proof editor and he duly returned them on time. However I'm realising there's something to be said about hiring a copy editor too, before proof editing. Following his comments and ideas, and my subsequent re-writing, I'm feeling it needs proofing all over again. I could end up an extremely poor woman at this rate. On the up side, I have finally received all the funds owed to me from my supplier and Waterstones. I'm also about to do a signing at Canterbury Waterstones, though I've yet to hear back from the public library in Margate. I've thought a great deal about the content of this current book - Aquasapien. Even Graham was taken by surprise at the violent sex scenes. This is nothing like WOTW and not to be shared with minors please. I originally thought a nom de plume would hide my blushes, but then I thought, why am I publishing it if I feel that way? I am worried about youngsters picking up this novel so I'm going to publish an abridged version of my name in the hope children will not find it - C.M.Salt. I'm also hoping the naïve readers will think it is a male author and not be put off by a female name. I would be interested in my readers views about this. Back to writing ...
January 2025