I want to publish my third novel, Gristle's Revenge in the new year. I'm steadily saving funds to cover the proof editing, illustrations, formatting, printing and distribution costs, which accrue to several thousand pounds.
Problem is I still have lots of books to shift. The big boys - who will be nameless - don't appear to be interested in my work - unless anyone out there can offer premises where I can do a book signing or place stock for sale? This means I need to move stock and get it out there to ensure I can save enough for book 3. In addition to this, I need the space, as next time I'm going to double my order. It will cost more, but I've found my current stock will not allow me to break even. The shortfall is likely to be well over £,1000+ As some of you know I work full-time so that leaves me my weekends and evening. Currently three of my evenings are full and my weekends are full for three out of every four which leaves very little time to market and promote my published work. I try by attending craft fairs, they're not my target audience and I barely cover the cost of the table. Especially if I'm tempted by other sellers wares - and I often am (plus the food). The way forward, so the professionals say, is by getting reviews. So, if you are still reading this blog , you are now eligible for my reviewer competition. I am giving away 5 FREE copies of Witch on the Warpath and Aquasapien - Metamorphosis. (1 book to each email address) These will be to the first 10 people who send their email address to my Contact Us page. I'll even pay for the postage so you can contact me from anywhere in the world. In return I request two things; First - you consider writing a review if you like the book, either on Amazon, Goodreads or my store site. Second - you consider passing the book on to someone else to read with the same condition that they consider putting a review on-line. (You can always let someone borrow it and ask for it back after) Ideally I'd like the books to be passed around. REMEMBER TO STATE WHICH BOOK YOU WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE. Closing date? When they are gone. I
December 2024