Update on my progress with Gristle's Revenge, amongst other things. This follow-up novel is in full swing. The bulk of the proof editing is done. I'm awaiting the last remaining chapters to review. I've also decided on a new strategy for a final proof edit that is to read it out loud. I know everyone says, you should read it out loud at least once and I had planned to do it with my Dragon. This has the ability to read back what ever you've written in a ranges of different voices, mostly American.
I cannot recommend doing this too highly, even if you don't write. Its great for letters and emails where you want things to sound spot on like; job applications, complaints, reviews etc. Any how, I was looking at my Thesaurus in Word a couple of weeks ago and found next to it 'Read Aloud'. In for a penny and all that, I pressed it and there is my very own read back function. Its brilliant and you don't have to pay for it either. Always a positive in my book. You just click next to the piece you want read and hey presto an Audible book at your fingertips - or should that be ears? Highly Recommended if you vision isn't up to much too. Okay the voice does drone on and doesn't have emotion chip, but I don't want a critic. Already it has picked up a number of missing, or extra words not found in the proof edit. You know those little words your eyes miss like; it, to, be, my, etc So, I've a couple of chapters to go and the reading to do, then its onwards with the illustrations. I have two photographers on board offering shots of animals. Regards the drawings, I've yet to hear back from my illustrator Pegu Designs who I use for my covers. They offered to try and do the character headings as well as the cover this time. I'm planning to launch this novel on Halloween, like I did WOTW, all going well. Speaking of WOTW, I placed an order for WOTW with my new printing company and the copies arrived on time, except the delivery guy left them outside on the drive, in the snow. I wasn't impressed, they're books for goodness sake, paper and water don't mix plus anyone could have stolen them. I know, who wants 100's of the same book? It was the delivery company's fault and they have been taken to task by the printing company so I'm hoping it won't happen again. It's not the first time our parcels have been not been delivered properly. My son had some Jewellery lobbed over the wall because the delivery man couldn't be bothered to knock the door! Another time a piece of furniture, a gaming chair worth over £100, was left on the drive. Honestly what's wrong with people these days? Add to that my neighbour was burgled at the weekend and I get very angry - and afraid. I've added my next signing date for those interested, it's at the Discovery Park Craft Fair in June. Please consider attending, if not to purchase a book there's plenty to do and eat. They even have a children's room with face painting etc. Good place to go regardless of the weather, in March they had a hog roast - it was divine. (There are also vegetarian/vegan stalls).
January 2025