As usual a lot has happened in the last few weeks. Aquasapien Book Two arrived safely, with much grumbling from my son as he had to load and unpack his car. Following that, What If was proofed, printed and delivered yesterday with much more complaining from my son has he unpacked another 100 books from his car. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank his place of employment for allowing me to have my books delivered there. Now the sun lounge looks more like a literary warehouse than somewhere to rest and relax in the sun. Who am I kidding, the only time I get to use the room is doing my one-to-one Kyokushin karate sessions in there with my 4th Dan sensei twice a week.
Book sales are slow, hardcopy wise with nowhere to sell, though Amazon is doing well with sales rising and Waterstones have finally taken my work and are selling them on their website. I have heard of sales around the UK, but of course retailers only send your money quarterly so I'll update you on that at a later date. And, Quex Barn Birchington still keeps several copies of my work on sale if you're nearby. In addition to the usual local fairs, when they re-commence, I am booking at Eastbourne Wyntercon on 30th & 31st October. This year its at the Winter Gardens. Also booked is Reading Comicon on 27th and 28th November. Both events are brilliant and well worth attending for the day if like me, you are a Sci-Fi Fantasy weird geek. I was hoping to launch What IF? at Quex Barn in May, however they are being responsible and not taking any bookings until Covid is confirmed as leaving us. Naturally, it leaves me frustrated, because I need to sell books to produce more. I have already started taking -pre-orders for copies. I'm not sure whether to look elsewhere or wait. Covid Bah! If you can offer a space, let me know. I eventually plucked up the courage (pun intended) and opened Quest for Courage and I'm now on page eight-four of the second draft with visions of the cover flicking through my head, a view of the Air realm. Not sure if I've mentioned in a previous blog, A Sackful of Dragons, another novel I've started keeps calling. I get whiffs of scenes, but I'm trying to stay focused because there's two other novels to complete before that. I say two, but... Some of you may know of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing month) this is an organisation which promotes a month (November) every year where writers undertake to write 50,000 words in 30 days. I've taken part three times and completed it each time. Well, they contacted to say they have moved their server and would I go on my account to check my details etc. And there it was.... A whole novel I'd forgotten I'd written! Between Worlds. I still can't figure out how I forgot a whole book! I checked in my laptop, its 88,000 words! The story is about a woman who discovers that somebody from one of the seven levels of Hell is trying to kill her. With help, she goes into Hell to investigate. There are similarities with What If? but the storyline is completely different. Though it would be great to finish it, but I have Aqua Three and Q4C to complete and I'm trying to stay focused. Gosh I wish my head weren't so full of stories. Inspirations Writers Group are bringing out their next anthology - Blue on 31st May. Remember you can join our meetings from anywhere in the world on zoom, and its free to do so. All you need to do is contact us via the contact form here ,or on their own website,
January 2025