Getting a bit nervous in the last few days. The copy edit is complete and I'm doing a final read through to improve my protagonist's internal struggle. I need to sort out the final proof edit next. I've decided to give the 'fiver' site a shot. Sent off 1,500 words for proof editing - cost a fiver. Learnt my lesson from last time about checking each piece returned before paying out more.
Been to Waterstones Westwood who are happy to have my book launch on Halloween, providing I can set up a distributor account. Already tried that once but Gardeners, one of their suppliers, rejected my application. Have re-contacted them, hopefully they might re-consider. My feet are getting slightly cool as I worry about the finances needed to organise this publication. I guess I will need to pay Gardeners for distributing and then Waterstones, if they agree to sell it, will want to purchase it at a reduced price plus I need to arrange postage of books from the printers to the distributers. Not much change out of £4,000 I guess. I need to locate a formatter for the hard copy and e-book. On top of all this I've discovered recently that Amazon are withholding 30% of every royalty from Underworld sales because I'm not a USA tax-payer! I will need to complete some complicated tax application on-line and identify the treaty which the UK has with the USA before I can let my book go on kindle. On a brighter note the Inspirations Writers Group was great Saturday. We discussed and practiced inventing new metaphors. We found it isn't that easy to do when you are trying to do it deliberately. Homework is to write a list of 20 items, they can be objects, topics, places, names etc and come up with new metaphors for them. We identified places & names need to have stereotypical gravitas so the reader can identify with them.
Tomorrow I begin the re-write of the final chapter. Then it's an overview of the entire plot and story-line. Today I printed out my first look at the cover. The back page blurb is still not right. The artist, Jim Scott, who's illustrating it is either going to hate me forever or hang me upside down by my toes until I scream and agree no more revisions. I think one more change to the two last lines will do it but how do I face him? Luckily for me he is away with his family this weekend. I'll have to go and grovel Monday evening after work.
It's hard fitting this in around full-time work (and then some based on today's and yesterdays workload.) Tomorrow I have a Soroptimist Executive meeting at 9.30am in Canterbury. Sunday we've booked to take hubby out for his Father's Day meal. There's the weekly shopping and a shed load of ironing to fit it as usual. Those Gi's won't iron themselves. At the last minute we receive letters asking our son to go back into school to finish stuff and commence things like his, European Computer Driving Licence. Didn't know that course was still running. Surely kids can do that all in their sleep these days. I know mine can. He is a bit miffed and school is officially over for him. My ten ISBN numbers arrived last week, wah-who! Feels officially a done-deal now. No turning back. It's like I've paid the ferryman, now all I have to do is row over. Not a very good analogy using death's gatekeeper, especially when purgatory is supposed to be on the over side. Plus in my case I have to row the bloody boat myself. Might end up going round in circles or worse still - sinking.
Nope, that's not going to happen. Keeping positive. On chapter 32 of 36. The end is in sight though sadly I've been advised to re-write that chapter. I've also got to add a piece where Onk the city troll, and our hero, decides to wear a heavy metal T-shirt! That's because in the last version of the cover he looked slightly stupid wearing no shirt and a tiny bit too stud muffin and Chippendalesque, (an English male stripper act) which he is, to lady trolls anyway. I know the book is aimed at young adults and they are blasé about bodies now - based on the latest craze of 'sexts' but I'm hoping younger children will want to read it too. I'm considering a sneak preview of the cover but with no comments or feedback that might not happen. It does feel like I'm writing a diary to myself at the moment despite the fact I've been reliably informed by Weebly the site had 383 visitors in May. Back to work.... Sometimes I write and in-between I worry. I worry most when I think about the huge steps still to cover in this production of my first novel. It haunts me.
I'm aiming for a Halloween launch date and to get there I've a million things to do. I'm wading through the re-write, on chapter 27 now. After that I've got to go through the whole plot and structure again using the notes I took during my time with my editor friend. I hoping the illustrations will be with me before June ends, so I can slot them into the pages in appropriate places. The cover is having another design change and my second blurb for the back cover has been reviewed. Its been suggested I dump a fair bit of it. Back to the drawing board? I think it's a case of wax tablet at this rate. Fingers crossed that novel, illustrations and cover will be complete by end of the month. The next steps are final proof edit and formatting for paperback and kindle formats. Each of these I've yet to secure a professional I can afford. The Fiver site wants a fiver for every thousand words X 86, that's £430! I haven't a clue about formatting costs but working on the same principle that's another £430. Planning for July for these elements. ISBN numbers haven't arrived yet. I'll be looking to print in August/Sept. Not sure how many to print. 200 means no profit. 250 means a small profit but I worry I might not sell enough. All I can think about is, "I hope my writing is good enough and people like it." Writing, is a road without traffic signals, speed limits or a highway code - exciting, dangerous and downright idiotic. |
August 2024