I'm not sure why I'm sitting here writing this with a temperature of 38C and the usual Christmas cold I get every year once my employment finishes for the break. Despite just wanting to lie down somewhere and snuggle into the warmth and gooiness of a duck down duvet I'm upright on the sofa with the laptop perching, like an evil vulture, on my knees as I hammer out words to you.
What has happened over the last four weeks, you ask, or maybe you don't. In addition to attending and signing books at two further Craft fairs, I've enjoyed an amazing once-in-a-lifetime experience, no not this stupid cold. I was asked to step in at the last minute to take over from my husband who was unable to maintain his obligation on a One-Day Course which he'd paid and organised. I have been fascinated with blades for a while now since writing Aquasapien and moving into the military arena - not literally. I love Japanese blades of Kanatas and Tantos plus the macho-stance of all combat knifes. My most alluring blade though has to be one made of Damascus steel. Imagine my surprise when my hubby says, he can't go and can't take part with our son on a Blade Smithing day which he'd set up for our boy for Christmas. Would I step in and save the day by driving him there and taking his place at the forge. I was excited, terrified and excited some more, but mostly excited. Little me, was going to stand inside a real forge, next to a blazing hot fire, banging hot steel with a hammer on an anvil. I'm not sure who was more frightened me or my son, who had the anvil next to me. The process for the day was clearly explained and we each faced off with our piece of flat rough steel. Using the forge, we were expected to turn and lengthen one end of the steel to make a rudimentary handle. From there we formed a blade at the other end, then turned and folded the handle and finally ground the edge and polished it to sharpness. Okay, so my measly pounding with a hammer didn't make much of a dent on the steel so my tutor stepped in to use the power hammer - which was so awesome. Then he also sharpened the blade because we weren't considered safe to turn a lump of metal into a lethal weapon. I didn't mind that either because I have a knife that, "Will Cut"! Already I can see a new book coming now I have some rudimental experience on forging, (book Five) for the Witch on the Warpath series. Chasing The Shadow, a side story about Phrack Blaster the forging Stone Dwarf from Book Two Gristle's Revenge. Another use for the knowledge may be in Aquasapien Prodigy Book Three where I see the hero learning forging skills to create his own feature blades. Its amazing how one day doing something different can inspire you to evolve your personality and life in a new direction. If someone offers you a chance, a lifeline, a new experience. Don't turn away from it. Grab it, adapt it you your purpose, but never say no. Only a fool would turn down evolution.
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December 2024