IIt has finally gone to the printer.
Fellow writers will understand how when you write something initially, it is your "baby". You create it, mould it, nurture it and watch it grow. It falls over the first few hurdles and you pick it up, give it more words of encouragement (pun intended). Eventually it blossoms into something you are proud of, like a parent proud of the achievements of it's offspring. Others amongst you will know, there is a time it has to stop being your baby. You have to become more objective, more disciplined, dish out tough love and allow it to outgrow you. Some writers never let go of their infants, for if you don't let go, if you hold on the them for ever and never put anything out there for publication - you can never fail. You can never be made fun of, ridiculed and lose more confidence than you had to begin with. I'm not here to say that's wrong. Some people just aren't cut out for baring their soul, their loved one, to the world. They might have had too many dents on their soul to cope with more. I would say that for me, you have failed if you don't bother trying to publish in whatever medium. I can tell you that during my process of publishing, my baby didn't stay a baby very long. Aquasapien rapidly felt like one of those idle teenagers who don't want to leave their toasty bed let alone leave home (and I should know!) Every time I sent it out into the world, it came back home with yet another problem for me to solve. In my last post, I'd thought I'd made it. It was gone, able to stand on its own two feet, or rather 400+ pages. Fortunately, my printer is spot on, he noticed at the final hour that the cover size and manuscript size weren't the same. What would I do without CPI Printing? So, back came my spotty adolescent to be chastised, scoured and re-sized once more. It has left home for good. I have told it only return when it is fully grown and ideally earns me lots of money. I've got the date for the first delivery, so my planned publication date, and hopefully launch will be All Fools Day - 1st April. Some of you will remember with WOTW I gave myself one years deadline to Halloween and created the most stress I ever want in this life. This time round, I've been more laid back (on occasion) with a certain, Que Sera Sera attitude. (For you young ones this translates as, 'Whatever Will be, Will Be' Doris Day cerca 1950's) As I let time drift along at it's own pace, it was only last month when I noticed I might be ready by April and wouldn't it be fortuitous to launch on a celebration day like before. My next step will be to visit Waterstones Westwood to see if they are willing and haven't got prior engagements otherwise another re-think will be necessary, however regardless the publication date will remain the same. Here's a toast to All of Us Fools who continue in this venture.
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August 2024