Its Sunday 22nd December and its only just beginning to feel a bit like Christmas for me. That’s probably because my proper work finished for the year two days ago. I can finally relax to a point.
Here at home, I’m concentrating on my writing and all the things that go with it at this time of year, not just the editing, processing, formatting, printing elements, but the accounts, sales write-ups and planning ahead for 2025 events. I’ve already paid the deposit for three Comicon’s in South East England including Southampton, Brighton and Maidstone. A few of you may know that two of my largest events let me down by going under during 2024. A bit of a blow Thankfully my favourite, Wyntercon, managed to pay some of my money back. I’ve a couple of local fairs booked, but so far that’s all. Last year I did 32 days of fairs, in addition to working full-time. In 2023, I did 37 days! In 2025 I’m planning to be a bit more picky, not a New Year’s Resolution because I probably won’t keep to it. I’m already putting feelers out for several local pop-up bookshop events with Chris Horn. I say picky but I’m actually in negotiations with running my own Fantasy event in 2025. In theory the place where I want to hold it, has said yes. I’m struggling over a name, Fantasy Fayre, Fantasy’s Hart, Hart of Fantasy, At the Hart. Its spelt wrong for a reason. Can’t say more on the subject until January. If you know anyone running a fair this year, give them my name, but be quick because I book up fast once January clears. On the upside, I’m dropping a day a week from my birthday in May. Already got three schools booked for visits, and several more interested. Add to that enquires about Timmy and his Magic Toe Beans and I’m keeping my fingers crossed. Also on the Timmy front, he has been selling out. I might have to do a second print run soon. A first for me in the same quarter. With that in mind I finally have my new EStore up and running. A bit of polishing to do to the site but you can order books directly, or go through Waterstones as usual. I deliver anywhere in the world and if you’re local you could potentially still get it in time for Christmas. . As usual no paper Christmas cards for me, with a few exceptions of relatives who receive our yearly contact by post. A saving of £78 this year in stamps, so I donated £100 to Mercy Ships. As I mentioned on Facebook, I almost joined them a few years back, but ended up supporting them financially instead, and not just at Christmas. For the person who commented on FB about me still using paper to write books, I think there’s a quite a difference between bits of card and envelopes sent out, when you speak to folk all year on Fb, email and WhatsApp and writing. Writing is my purpose, and I’d like to think some have found my books worthwhile. I do have my work on kindle too, for those who like to stay ethically-minded. I’m assuming like our family, the majority of pressies are wrapped, the elements for Christmas day meal is in hand and you are wading your way through the tins of biccies, choccies and assorted cheeses. All we need now is a tiny sprinkle of snow. Not too much, my son still has to work over the holiday and he travels a fair way to work and back. I have to say I do not miss working Christmas and new year. Mainly because I prefer to be warm and snuggly in such cold weather. I have recorded the Night Before Christmas poem on my YouTube channel for any of you who have that as a tradition in your families. Last comment to say for this year. I hope everyone who reads this has a safe, healthy and loving Christmas in whatever format it takes. If you are physically alone this Christmas don’t let it bring you down. Make contact with someone, go out, say hello to people, speak online. Have a coffee somewhere and remember, you don’t know for sure what 2025 will bring. Till Jan 2025, my heart is with you.
January 2025